Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing #8

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
The RSS and newsreaders have the capability of being real timesavers. I'm just not sure I'll quit going to my favorite news website - miss all those visual images that draw me in. I guess I'm just not pressed for time yet to the point that I need to be able to read 600 feeds in a morning.
As for the blog side...I will actually be able keep more in touch with things that interest me because they will be 'right there' and I won't have to find time to go searching (which I never seem to find time to go searching....)
How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life?
The school aspect for elementary gets a bit trickier. You have to be so aware of the students' exposure on the web...I would not recommend blog sites but more news sites for superficial type awareness of state or national happenings.
Personally, I set up a travel newsreader and will enjoy reading and who knows, traveling.
How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?

A school librarian and classroom teacher could collaborate and set up newsreaders and blogs on a given topic prior to allowing the students to jump in. That way staff can be more aware of and have more control over what students are exposed to on the web. They can also have more confidence that what the students are learning is from a trusted source.

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